Supplier data submission
Follow these steps
Note: Addition to CAS Chemical Supplier Insights℠ is a selective process and requires your catalog to be vetted.
1. Acceptable CAS Chemical Supplier Insights products
First, determine if your products meet these general guidelines.
Any chemical compound available for general sale is acceptable for listing in CAS Chemical Supplier Insights. Building blocks, screening libraries, and other standard chemical catalogs are eligible for inclusion.
Unacceptable products
The following product types will not be listed in CAS Chemical Supplier Insights:
- Chemicals available for synthesis on demand that have not been previously synthesized by the supplier.
- Chemicals available for synthesis on demand that have been previously synthesized, but do not have supporting proof of synthesis data available on demand (e.g., Mass spectra or NMR spectra).
- Non-chemical catalog items, i.e., laboratory supplies, whole animal tissue, kits for analysis, etc.
If you have questions regarding the acceptability of your catalog or certain entries in your catalog, please contact us at
2. Prepare a list of your chemical compounds available for general sale
Acceptable electronic formats for submitting your products include:
Structure files:
- Structure Data File (.sdf format) - [see example and format requirements]
Non-structure files:
- Microsoft Office Excel® (.xls) - [see example and format requirements]
Note: We are unable to receive e-mail attachments exceeding 50 MB. Contact the CAS Customer Center for details on how to upload your data to our FTP site.
Inclusion of the following fields is encouraged for each item in your submission:
- Chemical name (required for non-structure data files)
- Synonyms, trade names
- Unique catalog number/Order Number
- CAS Registry Number® (CAS RN®) (We strongly suggest the inclusion of CAS RNs with your product data to ensure the accessibility of your data through all CAS customer interfaces, e.g., CAS SciFinder®.)
- Structure diagram (.sdf format only, images and other formats not accepted)
- Availability (Maintained in stock, typically in stock, limited or intermittent availability, synthesis on demand)
- Ships within (one week, two weeks, four weeks, eight weeks, more than eight weeks)
- Grade
- Purity
- Quantities available
- Prices (indicate currency)
- CAS SciFinder order from source links
- Product information links
- Experimental property field set to Available or Not Available (use Available if any analytical data can be provided upon request) (SDF only)
- Any other relevant data such as appearance, color, hazard information, SDS, Certificate of Analysis, etc.
Products must be associated with a CAS Registry Number to be accessible to all CAS customer interfaces, e.g., CAS SciFinder. It is important to provide either a CAS Registry Number with your product listing or to include substance identity information that CAS can use to match your products to the correct CAS RN. Chemical structures in SDF file format are the preferred form of identification. Chemical names that match existing names in CAS REGISTRY are an acceptable alternative.
Additional options available for purchase:
Featured listings - Suppliers who have purchased featured listings for items in their catalog (including your company logo) can submit their list of CAS Registry Numbers in Excel as well as their company's logo via email to Any unused featured listings will expire at the end of the contract term.
Featured listing logo parameters:
- Transparent background
- Maximum size: 20kb
- Required image format: Portable Network Graphic (.png)
- Resolution requirements: 96 DPI (dots per inch) preferred; 72 DPI acceptable
- Maximum logo size (width x height): 200 x 55 pixels
Company logo - Suppliers who have purchased the company logo option can submit their logo via email to
Company logo parameters:
- Maximum logo size (width x height): 100 x 45 pixels
- Resolution requirements: 96 DPI (dots per inch) preferred; 72 DPI acceptable
- Required image format: Portable Network Graphic (.png)
- Maximum size: 20kb
- Transparent background

CAS Registry Number Service
Suppliers who have purchased the CAS Registry Number Service can simply email, within the contract term year, to receive CAS Registry Numbers for all their catalog items in CAS SciFinder.
Professional Services provided by CAS IP ServicesSM
Professional Services can be used for any services offered by CAS IP Services. Contact for more information and request the CAS Chemical Supplier Insights supplier partner pricing.
Category attribute table
To maximize exposure of your products, please include some or all of these categories in your CAS Chemical Supplier Insights data submission. Use the bold text labels below as your responses to each category.
- Maintained in stock - The item is always in stock.
- Typically in stock - The item is usually in stock, and the supplier promptly restocks.
- Limited or intermittent availability - A limited quantity of the item is in stock at the time of catalog update; the supplier may not be able to provide additional quantities, or the item is intermittently available.
- Synthesis on demand - A supplier does not have any quantities of the item in stock at the time of catalog update but is certain they will be able to prepare it upon request.
Ships within
- One week
- Two weeks
- Four weeks
- Eight weeks
- More than eight weeks
Purity category
- Extremely high - Purity ≥99%
- Very high - Purity ≥95% and <99%
- High - Purity ≥90% and <95%
- Low - Purity <90%
- Yes - For screening compounds. This category may be used if the compound is available in milligram quantities at the time of the catalog update and the compound can be provided in a format suitable for use in high-throughput-screening (HTS).
- No
EXP property (SD files only)
- Available - If analytical data can be provided upon request. May include NMR, Mass Spectra or IR. Substances new to CAS REGISTRY of chemical compounds are not eligible for inclusion in CAS Chemical Supplier Insights without available experimental property data. A sample set of experimental property data may be requested for validation.
- Not Available