CAS Chemical Supplier Insights

Find commercially available chemicals, pricing and suppliers

The next time you have to order chemicals, you can quickly find the substances you need thanks to CAS Chemical Supplier Insights. You will find the following information (depending on the supplier):

  • Catalog name
  • Order number
  • Chemical and trade names
  • CAS Registry Number®
  • Chemical structure
  • Pricing terms
  • Supplier contact information:
    • Company name and address
    • Phone and fax number
    • E-mail
    • Web address

Add Your Catalog to CAS Chemical Supplier Insights

If you are a supplier of commercially available chemicals and would like to have your information considered for inclusion in CAS Chemical Supplier Insights, please contact the CAS Customer Center  and learn more about the CAS Chemical Supplier Insights Chemical Supplier Program.

CAS reserves the right to review and approve all requests for inclusion in CAS Chemical Supplier Insights.

CAS Chemical Supplier information in SciFinder
Chemical Supplier detail record in SciFinder