
Text can be copied from STN® Database Summary Sheets (as well as other PDF documents on the CAS website) and pasted into other applications.  

To copy text from a STN Database Summary Sheet:

  1. Open the STN Database Summary Sheet PDF file.
  2. Click the Select Tool icon located on the Adobe Reader toolbar.
    Adobe Acrobat Select tool
    (If this icon is not present, right-click on the Adobe Reader toolbar and choose More Tools from the drop down menu. Check Select Tool from the Select & Zoom Toolbar options.)
  3. Highlight the text.
  4. Copy the text to your clipboard in one of the following ways:
  • Type <Ctrl> c.
  • Click the Copy icon on Adobe Reader's (Edit) toolbar.
    Adobe Acrobat Copy icon
    (If this icon is not present, right-click on the Adobe Reader toolbar and choose More Tools from the drop down menu. Check Copy from the Edit Toolbar options.)
  • Right-click on the highlighted text, and select Copy

To paste the text into another document, use the application's Paste tool or type <Ctrl> v.