CAplus- Database containing bibliographic information and abstracts

CAplus Coverage

CAplus contains more than more than 59 million records from international journals, patents, patent families, technical reports, books, conference proceedings, and dissertations from all areas of chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, and related sciences from 1907 to the present. In addition, over 180,000 records for pre-1907 patent and journal references are available. Electronic-only journals and Web preprints are also covered. Since October 1994 records for all articles from more than 1,500 key chemical journals are added, including records for document types not covered in Chemical Abstracts (CA) such as biographical items, book reviews, editorials, errata, letters to the editor, news announcements, product reviews, meeting abstracts, and miscellaneous items.


  • Bibliographic information and available abstracts
  • Cited references for journals, conference proceedings, and basic patents from the US, EPO, WIPO, and German patent offices added to CAS databases since 1997
  • Patent examiner citations from British and French patents (2003-present), Canadian patents (2005-present), Japanese patents (2011-present), as well as nearly 300,000 patent records from 1982-2008
  • Citing references
  • Legal status information for U.S. patents since 1980, Patent Status Indicator information.
  • Patent classifications: IPC, CPC, ECLA, ICO, NCL and FTERM
  • PatentPak-specific PDF links and data

Update frequency

  • Updated daily, typically with several thousand new records.

Sample record from CAS STNext

sample display record of CAplus in STNext