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CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™

Accelerate game-changing discoveries with best-in-class solutions that simplify how you find and connect critical information, such as scientific data, methods, formulations, and more—human-curated for quality and completeness.

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CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform 解决方案

CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform 整合以下解决方案,订阅后可提高各阶段研发活动的效率:

CAS SciFinder


CAS SciFinder 助力您快速获得相关可行的见解。 我们已对各类文献进行梳理,为您省去了对所关注的数据、概念和分子进行提取和注解的工作,让您能够更省时更专业地开展创新活动。

CAS Formulus®


CAS Formulus 是一个综合的配方(制剂)数据库和工作流程解决方案。 通过从专利和期刊中收录的各领域信息,CAS Formulus 通过一个简单的界面,即可帮助配方科学家评估成分,查找供应商,了解法规要求。

CAS Analytical Methods


CAS Analytical Methods 提供最新发布的多研究领域科学方法的检索和对比。 CAS Analytical Methods 提供直观易懂的实验详情,助您将宝贵的时间更多地运用在其他重要的实验室工作中。


"SciFinder 远远超出了我对科研信息平台功能的期望。 它不仅是检索工具,还是我的“实验伙伴”,帮助实现了我的想法和假设。 在我从事药物研发工作的经历中,还没有其他任何一个信息工具能够做到这一点。”
 Chris Lipinski 博士
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CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform 团队由数百名科学家组成,他们会阅读 CAS 内容合集中的每一篇文献和专利,然后从中提取科研人员关注的重要信息。





使用最具科学意识的相关性搜索引擎,浏览我们庞大的人工策划内容库,这些内容来自最初以 50 多种语言发表的期刊和专利。

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Design efficient bench strategies and work plans

Find practical methods and pathways for production synthesis, extracted directly from the literature. Identify opportunities for new breakthroughs in synthetic methods.

Devise retrosynthetic approaches

Uncover retrosynthetic pathways for novel and known targets leveraging sophisticated algorithms mining the CAS reaction database. Clearly understand the diversity of alternatives and evidence for the planned synthetic route.

Test and validate your innovation

Search and filter hundreds of thousands of analytical methods extracted from published references to find the best option for your work.

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Develop a differentiating formulation and manufacture-to-scale

Evaluate a formulation's effectiveness with quick access to the best information for active ingredients and excipients.

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