Get to your IP destination faster with PatentPak® in CAS STNext®
Sifting through thousands of patent pages looking for specific chemical structures costs valuable time. PatentPak in CAS STNext takes you straight to the chemical substance of interest. This allows you to be more efficient and enables you to find and review full-text patents in half the time. Now’s a great time to try PatentPak in CAS STNext, with access to ~18 million patents from 46 patent authorities worldwide.
Go straight from CAS STNext to relevant chemistry in full-text patent
Display the HITPPAK field for records in CAplusSM and click on the CAS Registry Number® of interest to access PatentPak.

Click the page number and the Interactive Viewer will open directly to the page where the substance is indexed.
For PatentPak subscribers, access to PatentPak content is presented immediately under the title. In this example, the original patent PDF as well as the annotated PDF and Interactive Viewer are available.

Access original PDFs and quickly locate substance of interest
A table showing a subset of the patent family that has PatentPak support is provided. With the ALL DISPLAY, it is seen immediately under the abstract.
The PatentPak Interactive Viewer Substance Panel can help identify chemical substances. When the location marker is selected, the substance panel navigates as necessary and highlights the selected location marker for substance indexed.

Beyond generic author references to chemical substances, the substance panel structure image is a valuable aid to understanding the patent content.
Share original PDFs and substance tables with colleagues
You can download the full-text PDF of patents for printing and sharing – the PDF also includes a table of all key substances and patent locations.

Share the substance table with other stakeholders – no CAS STNext login is required.
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