CAS Databases

CAS provides accurate and authoritative chemistry content, curated and quality-controlled by hundreds of Ph.D. scientists from around the world.  CAS content covers all disclosed chemistry and related science from thousands of journals and 109 patent authorities, as well as reputable Web sources, dissertations, books, conference proceedings, chemical suppliers, and more.

Our information products, including CAS SciFinder® and CAS STNext®, are powerful and convenient ways to access the content CAS uses to create the following databases:

  • CAS REGISTRYSM  - with more than 275 million registered substances, is the gold standard for chemical substance information, including chemical structures, names, predicted and experimental properties, tags, and spectra
  • CAS References - includes more than 59 million records from the early 1800s to the present
  • CAS Reactions - our chemical reaction database, includes more than 150 million reactions and synthetic preparations
  • CAS Chemical Supplier Insights - provides access to millions of commercially available chemicals from hundreds of suppliers
  • CIN® - Chemical Industry Notes covers more than 1.7 million worldwide chemical business news citations from 1974 to the present
  • CAS Markush - this structure searchable database includes more than 1.39 million generic Markush structures from more than 575,000 patent citations.

We also have expert staff researchers to help you locate the information you need.