
CAS 특허

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Patents published by 109 issuing authorities covering more than 40,000 unique IPC codes in areas including chemistry, pharmaceuticals, consumer goods, processes, materials, engineering, agriculture, and more.


English language titles and abstracts for patents published in 50 languages translated and enhanced by CAS scientists.


Key invention details including substances, reactions, Markush representations, and more indexed by scientists and connected to other relevant data within the CAS Content Collection™.


Consolidated patent family summaries and convenient connections to global full-text patent documents.


Claims text, legal status information, cited references, and examiner citations included for select authorities.


Updated daily, with patent applications from nine major patent issuing authorities available within two days of publication.

CAS 인사이트 최신 소식

디지털 R&D
Why are there no FDA approved TBK1 (TANK-binding kinase) inhibitors on the market, despite the key role it plays in the pathophysiology of many diseases.
|Insights Report
Science and wearable tech go hand in hand to provide athletes with precise, personalized information to improve their performance.
이머징 사이언스
원숭이두창에 대한 최근 소식과 함께 연구 동향, 과학적 개요, 현재 가능한 치료법에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오.공개된 과학 정보에 대한 심층적인 이해로 이 새로운 뉴스 주제에 대한 명확한 통찰력을 얻을 수 있습니다.