The following use and distribution restrictions apply to your use of the LEMBASE File on STN. All copyrights are reserved. Unless specified otherwise in these RESTRICTIONS, CUSTOMER may use copyrighted search results in the following ways:

(a) in copyrighted scientific publications when search results are incidental to the publication and

b) in reports to a Government Agency that are required by law or by administrative rule.

Search results delivered to CUSTOMER in computer-readable form remain the property of the Database Producer. Unless specified otherwise in these RESTRICTIONS, Recipient may use search results in computer-readable form for the following purposes:

(a) editing or changing the format of search results to create search terms for use with search files or systems;

(b) combining search results with output from other searches, files, or systems to create a consolidated file of search results;

(c) editing the search results to remove irrelevant answers or to change the format of such results.

Recipient shall not use computer-readable search results as a database or part of a database from which hits are selectively retrieved by programmed search, unless Recipient has purchased the right to store search results using the ARCHIVE command or keyword. Recipient may create one printed copy of search results from a computer-readable file of search results at no additional charge. Recipient must destroy the computer-readable search results upon creation of the printed version, unless Recipient has purchased the right to archive records with the ARCHIVE command or keyword. Recipient may purchase the right to redistribute search results to additional users using the REDISTRIBUTE command or keyword.

Enter HELP SHARETERMS for detailed information on the STN Information Keep & Share Program, which allows Recipients to purchase the right to archive and / or redistribute search results from STN databases for internal re-use. Or, visit the STN Information Keep & Share Program for detailed information.

Recipient shall obtain Database Producer's specific written permission for any uses of computer-readable search results other than those listed here. LEMBASE, Embase and Embase BACKFILES, the databases created by ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V., are copyrighted by ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. and all rights are reserved. Material retrieved from LEMBASE, Embase, and Embase BACKFILES may not be used for commercial resale on any medium (electronic, paper, photographic film or otherwise) and the information derived from Embase is only for use of the LICENSEE's customers.

No part of the materials furnished or data retrieved may be copied in print or machine- readable or digital form or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means for any purpose without the prior written permission of ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V., except that limited reproduction of no more than 5 (five) copies of printed output is permitted for use exclusively within customer's organization only. ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. represents that LEMBASE, Embase, and Embase BACKFILES, the databases provided hereunder were formulated with a reasonable standard of care and in conformance to professional standards in the field.

Except with respect to the foregoing and as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO LEMBASE, EMBASE, EMBASE ALERT and EMBASE BACKFILES AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. CONSEQUENTLY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OF EMBASE. IN NO EVENT WILL ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. No responsibility is assumed by ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of (products or services) liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made.